Video Storytelling : University of Cincinnati Cultural Diversity and Inclusion

I recently completed a video for the University of Cincinnati to reward the Department of Chemistry for the success of their cultural diversity and inclusion initiative. Through strategic and deliberate efforts beginning in 2005, the UC chemistry program has effectively elevated their program by broadening diversity. 


Since this video was conceived as a reward for the department, they were instrumental in helping guide the message. When asked what they, as a department, would like to convey, they didn’t hesitate: “fun” and “family” would be the operative words. The Office of the Provost, the presenters of the award, desired an inspirational model for other departments to follow. The marketing department wanted a piece that would appeal to a diversity of potential students.

I am happy to report that the video has been celebrated by all invested parties and recognized for its realistic storytelling. In addition to filming at the university, we also attended a couple of timely external events to add variety and perspective to the footage. A microsite celebrating diversity is also being discussed as part of the project, where complete interviews and unused footage can be further leveraged.

As your business or nonprofit budgets for online marketing, let this be a reminder of the power of video in telling the story of your key priorities and initiatives. What are you currently working on? I would enjoy any opportunity to discuss your ideas and the possibilities.


Jim T.